(972) 559-9022


Capture DS Marketing Services

Targeting your marketing needs


Unmatched Benefits


With our system, you can identify the most frequent visitors to your business and target them with specific marketing messages. For example, if you notice that a certain vehicles passing you business frequently, you can create a marketing campaign that speaks directly to those customers.



By tailoring your marketing efforts to your customers’ needs, you can create a more personalized and engaging experience for them. This can help increase customer loyalty and retention over time as targeted marketing programs can reach customers via email, text, and traditional mail.



By understanding your customers’ needs and preferences, you can create more effective marketing campaigns that drive sales. With a quick turnaround from capture to marketing data, our low-cost monthly subscription for access provides unmatched flexibility for businesses.

Group 1674

Our Services

The CaptureDS system is easy to use and customize to meet your specific needs. We have the tools and expertise to help you succeed. With our camera system in place, organizations have the ability to market for sales and service to customers that are in their market on a frequent basis.


Access to year, make, and mileage of vehicles captured by our camera system

Access to concurrent data including number of times passing the business

Access to other vehicles data registered to the same individual captured

Access to hundreds of additional customer attributes derived from system data

Protected Markets

A competitive edge over the local competition


Industries’ markets are protected by Capture Data Services. Once your market is established, experience limited competition in the area creating a sustainable competitive advantage. Moreover, CaptureDS and its marketing partners handle all the marketing campaigns for the business, using their exclusive system that combines local data and expert guidance to deliver the optimal marketing strategy for your audience.



Making everything possible

We know marketing, can be a daunting task. That’s why we created a platform that lets you collect and use customer data to improve your advertisments. Our license plate recognition cameras record customer details like location, demographics, and vehicle type. We analyze and combine this data with other sources to help you customize your marketing to each customer’s interests and needs.

Unlock Invaluable Consumer Data

Fill out the form and discover the power of data marketing with CaptureDS

